#beniedesigns presents
NUSA - Social Media, Branding, Product Photography
How we helped the guys behind Nusa catering to get a strong and recognisable brand, supplemented with an attractive social media page that converts visitors to customers.

#beniedesigns presents
How we helped the guys behind Nusa catering to get a strong and recognisable brand, supplemented with an attractive social media page that converts visitors to customers.
Phillip and his partner wanted to start a home catering business that focuses on the richness and the diversity of Indonesian cuisine. They aspire to provide an authentic taste and a strong showcase of Indonesian spices and herbs through their products. Their primary target audience to start with, would be the young professionals who practically have all the time in the world to be on social media yet no time to cook. People who are still desiring to feast on these traditional Indonesian flavours without the hassle of cooking.
All these brief needs to be delivered consistently through their brand, logo, social media, and visuals. That, we did.
We started off by generating name ideas for their business. Collaborating together with Phillip and his partner, NUSA came out as an obvious choice out of other options. It literally means “Archipelago” in Bahasa, which would perfectly appeal to the “diversity” part of their Indonesian culinary take.
Incorporating our client’s idea with our vision of the brand, we execute the process of taking their product into a visually engaging content. We did the photography for their products, and real positive feedbacks are given from the customers complementing the results.
The photos have really taken the sales up.
Last part of the work is to set up an instagram profile that can showcase their products in all of its glory. Utilising our high quality images taken by our talented in-house photographer, we established a strong visual presence on their instagram profile, successfully showcasing their products in details.
Let’s collaborate and see how we can grow your business further with our service.